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On Demand Study Skills Webinars

On Demand Study Skills Webinars

Academic Writing & Taking a Critical Approach

How to add criticality to your academic writing



How Charts Work Understand and explain data with confidence

Communicating with data effectively is an increasingly important skill, yet is often overlooked.



Improve your grades with out of the box thinking

Sarah shares top tips, approaches and techniques to help all students think 'outside the box', work smarter and achieve their goals



Exploring and Meeting the Challenges of Dissertation Writing

An in-depth session covering all aspects of your dissertation



Research Time

Do you struggle with procrastination, digital tools or not sure who can support you? This session is for you!



Journal Your Way to Success

Barbara Bassot explains how you can use journaling to reflect on your goals, progress and achievements in a way that works for you.



How to Think for Yourself

Alex Baratta and Tom Chatfield discuss thinking, reading and writing critically



See More on Demand Webinars Here



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