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Occupational Therapy Placements: A Pocket Guide

Spiral bound by Grant, Terri

Occupational Therapy Placements: A Pocket Guide


Publication Date:
20 Jan 2021
Lantern Publishing Ltd
98 pages
Spiral bound
For delivery:
Estimated despatch 18 - 19 Mar 2025
Occupational Therapy Placements: A Pocket Guide


A handy pocket guide to help occupational therapy students prepare for their practice placements. Occupational Therapy placements can be daunting - you'll be working in a range of settings and supporting individuals with a variety of conditions. There are new colleagues to work with, and newly learned theory to put into practice. This pocket guide is designed to make your placements much more enjoyable and less stressful. From basic equipment to role emerging placements, via positive risk taking, it's full of practical detail, hints and tips. Written by a senior lecturer with key input from students - this guidance is really produced with you in mind. Pocket-sized format - carry it with you at all times. Space to make your own notes - be it uniform policy, new terminology, or just the names of your new colleagues! Reduce your stress and make the most of your placements by having this book to hand from the start.


Before you go 1. Preparing for placement 2. Uniform 3. Absence 4. Professional codes of practice 4.1 HCPC guidance on conduct and ethics for students 4.2 RCOT code of ethics and professional conduct 4.3 Navigating local policies 5. Client-centred practice 5.1 Least restrictive practice 5.2 Positive risk taking 6. Raising concerns 7. Consent and confidentiality 7.1 Consent 7.2 Confidentiality 8. Guidance on using social media Settling in 9. Induction and first day 10. Expectations - working with your educator 11. Communicating with patients, carers and family members 12. Communicating with the multidisciplinary team Being there 13. Reflective practice during placement 13.1 Borton's model of reflection 13.2 Gibbs' model of reflection 13.3 Johns' model of reflection 14. Documentation 15. Working with patients 15.1 Physical health placements 15.2 Mental health placements 15.3 Ward-based placements 15.4 Social Care placements and Community placements 15.5 Specialist placements 15.6 Role emerging placements 15.7 'Spoke' visits 16. Models of practice 16.1 Person - Environment - Occupation (PEO) 16.2 Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E) 16.3 Model of Human Occupation (MoHO) 16.4 The Kawa (river) model 17. Frames of reference 18. Basic equipment quick reference guide 18.1 Toilet equipment 18.2 Chair and bed equipment 18.3 Walking aids 19. Using your mandatory training 19.1 Hygiene and infection control 19.2 Moving and handling 19.3 Assessing risk with TILE 19.4 Basic Life Support (BLS) 19.5 ABCDE assessment 19.6 Mental Health First Aid 19.7 Falls 19.8 Sepsis 20. Commonly used medications 20.1 Pain medications 20.2 Antipsychotics 20.3 Antidepressants and anxiolytics Moving on 21. Reflecting on your overall experience 22. Transferring skills to your next placement 23. Critical reflection and CPD 24. FAQs


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