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Understanding and Using Educational Theories 3rd Revised edition

Paperback by Aubrey, Karl; Riley, Alison

Understanding and Using Educational Theories


Publication Date:
21 Mar 2022
3rd Revised edition / English
Sage Publications Ltd
408 pages
For delivery:
Estimated despatch 18 Mar 2025
Understanding and Using Educational Theories


This textbook gives readers a clear overview of a selection of 19 of the most influential thinkers on education, including established names (Vygotsky, Bruner, Dewey), more recent thinkers (Freire, hooks, Claxton) and other key names whose writing has helped shaped our views on teaching and learning. Each chapter includes practical examples showing how theories can be used to inform classroom teaching, and critiques of each theorist exploring opposing viewpoints and the strengths and weaknesses of different ideas. This third edition includes: New chapters on Barak Rosenshine and Daniel Goleman Revamped reflective tasks with a greater practical focus for the classroom More models and theoretical diagrams throughout This is an essential primer for any university course that includes learning theory, with particular relevance for initial teacher education, education studies and early childhood degrees. Karl Aubrey has recently retired from his post at Bishop Grosseteste University. Alison Riley is the Programme Leader for the BA Early Childhood Studies at Bishop Grosseteste University.


John Dewey: A Democratic Notion of Learning Maria Montessori: Liberating the Child Jean Piaget: Understanding the Mind of the Child Lev Vygotsky: An Early Social Constructivist Viewpoint B.F. Skinner: The Father of Operant Conditioning Benjamin Bloom: Learning Through Taxonomies Malcolm S. Knowles: Contextualising Adult Learning Jerome Bruner: An Evolution of Learning Theories Albert Bandura: Learning Through Observation Urie Bronfenbrenner: The Ecology of Human Development Paulo Freire: Oppression, Freedom and Critical Approaches to Education Donald Schön: Reflection and Learning David Kolb: Experiential Learning Theory Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger: Socially Situated Learning and Communities of Practice Barak Rosenshine: Principles of Instruction Daniel Goleman: Emotional Intelligence Guy Claxton: Learning Power Dylan Wiliam: Assessment for Learning Carol Dweck: Mindsets and Motivation


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