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Learning Theories for Early Years Practice 3rd Revised edition

Paperback by MacBlain, Sean

Learning Theories for Early Years Practice


Publication Date:
5 Mar 2025
3rd Revised edition / English
Sage Publications Ltd
152 pages
For delivery:
Not yet available
Learning Theories for Early Years Practice


This third edition showcases captivating full-color photographs, compelling case studies, engaging activities, and thought-provoking discussion points. Each chapter delves into the theorist and the theory, illustrating their practical applications, strengths, weaknesses, and connections to other theorists. This indispensable resource empowers students to create inclusive learning environments. New to this edition: New chapter on Barbara Rogoff and children in cultural communities Expanded final section on theorists in the contemporary world, covering vital issues such as mental health, diversity, gender, special educational needs, play, valuing our environments, and artificial intelligence Updated case studies and examples


PART 1 EARLY INFLUENCES John Locke and the Emergence of Empiricism Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the Concept of 'Child' Johann Pestalozzi and the Importance of Nature Friedrich Froebel and the Importance of Play Rachel and Margaret McMillan and Social Reform The Psychodynamic Tradition Rudolf Steiner and the Changing Needs of Children Maria Montessori: The Environment and Learning PART 2 MODERN INFLUENCES John Dewey and Child-centred Education Burrhus Skinner and Behaviourism Jean Piaget: An Enduring Legacy Lev Vygotsky: Learning and Social Constructivism John Bowlby and Early Attachment Albert Bandura and Social Learning Theory Urie Bronfenbrenner: Learning in the Wider Context Jerome Bruner and Constructivism Howard Gardner and Theories of Multiple Intelligence Reuven Feuerstein and Instrumental Enrichment Nel Noddings and the Ethics of Care Te Whariki Loris Malaguzzi and Reggio Emilia Carol Dweck and Children's Mindsets Guy Claxton: Building Learning Power Barbara Rogoff: children as Participants in their Cultural Communities PART 3 CHALLENGES FOR THEORISTS IN A CHANGING WORLD Challenges for Theorists in a Changing World


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