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Sport Nutrition 3rd Edition 3rd edition

Paperback by Jeukendrup, Asker E.; Gleeson, Michael

Sport Nutrition 3rd Edition


Publication Date:
22 Aug 2018
3rd edition / English
Human Kinetics Publishers
Human Kinetics
616 pages
For delivery:
Estimated despatch 21 - 23 Mar 2025
Sport Nutrition 3rd Edition


Back for a third edition, Sport Nutrition presents the principles and rationale for current nutrition guidelines for athletes. Using a physiological basis, this text provides an in-depth look at the science behind sport nutrition. This new edition has been structured with the student in mind. It moves from general principles of nutrition to estimating and fulfilling energy needs with the appropriate combinations of macro- and micronutrients. There is also content on supplements from a scientific standpoint. More than just a simple prescription of recommendations, Sport Nutrition, 3rd Edition offers a systematic presentation of the science supporting nutrition guidelines. It is an ideal book to provide a comprehensive understanding of nutrition and how it relates to sport, exercise performance, training and recovery.


Chapter 1. Nutrients and Recommended Intakes Function of Nutrients Carbohydrate Fat Protein Water Alcohol Vitamins, Minerals, and Trace Elements Phytonutrients Recommended Intakes of Nutrients Development of Recommended Intakes Current Recommended Intakes Analyzing Dietary Intake Chapter 2. Healthy Eating Health Effects of Consuming Excess Amounts of Nutrients Practical Guidelines for a Balanced, Healthy Diet Recommendations for a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Nutrition Facts Labels Nutrient Content and Health Claims on Food Packaging Processed Food and Additives Fat Substitutes Chapter 3. Fuel Sources for Muscle and Exercise Metabolism Subcellular Skeletal Muscle Structure Force Generation in Skeletal Muscle Fiber Types Energy for Muscle Force Generation Fuel Stores in Skeletal Muscle Regulation of Energy Metabolism Metabolic Responses to Exercise Metabolic Adaptations to Exercise Training Chapter 4. Energy Energetic Efficiency Measuring the Energy Content of Food Measuring Energy Expenditure Components of Energy Expenditure Energy Balance Chapter 5. Gastric Emptying, Digestion, and Absorption Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal Tract Regulation of the Gastrointestinal Tract Digestion Absorption Gut Microbiota Regulation of Gastric Emptying Gastrointestinal Problems During and After Exercise Chapter 6. Carbohydrate History Role of Carbohydrate Recommendations for Carbohydrate Intake Carbohydrate Intake in the Days Before Competition Carbohydrate Intake in the Hours Before Exercise Carbohydrate Intake 30 to 60 Minutes Before Exercise Carbohydrate Intake During Exercise Carbohydrate Intake After Exercise Chapter 7. Fat Fat Metabolism During Exercise Limits to Fat Oxidation Fat as a Fuel During Exercise Regulation of Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism Fat Supplementation and Exercise Effects of Diet on Fat Metabolism and Performance Chapter 8. Protein and Amino Acids Amino Acids Techniques to Study Protein and Amino Acid Metabolism Protein Requirements for Exercise Training and Protein Metabolism Effect of Protein Intake on Protein Synthesis Amino Acids as Ergogenic Aids Protein Intake and Health Risks Chapter 9. Water Requirements and Fluid Balance Thermoregulation and Exercise in the Heat Effects of Dehydration on Exercise Performance Mechanisms of Heat Illness Effects of Fluid Intake on Exercise Performance Daily Water Balance Fluid Requirements for Athletes Chapter 10. Vitamins and Minerals Water-Soluble and Fat-Soluble Vitamins Recommended Intakes of Vitamins Recommended Intakes of Vitamins for Athletes Macrominerals and Microminerals Recommended Intakes of Minerals Critical Micronutrient Functions Assessing Micronutrient Status Exercise and Micronutrient Requirements Ergogenic Effect of Micronutrient Supplementation Summary of Recommendations for Micronutrient Intake in Athletes Chapter 11. Nutrition Supplements Relative Importance of Supplements to a Normal Diet Nonregulation of Nutrition Supplements Critical Evaluation of Nutrition Supplements Studies Androstenedione Bee Pollen Beetroot Juice Beta Alanine and Carnosine Beta-Hydroxy Beta-Methylbutyrate Boron Caffeine Carnitine Cherry Juice Choline Chromium Coenzyme Q10 Creatine Dehydroepiandrosterone Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acids Ginseng Glandulars Glycerol Green Tea Inosine Ketone Salts Lactate Salts and Polylactate Lecithin Medium-Chain Triacylglycerol Pangamic Acid Phosphatidylserine Phosphorus and Phosphate Salts Polyphenols Pyruvate and Dihydroxyacetone Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Citrate Sodium Nitrate Vanadium Wheat Germ Oil Additive Effects of Combining Different Supplements Contamination of Nutrition Supplements Chapter 12. Nutrition and Training Adaptations Training Adaptations Signal Transduction Pathways Starting a Signaling Cascade Secondary Signals Nutrition and Effects on Training Adaptations Overreaching and the Overtraining Syndrome Nutrition and Effects on Sleep Nutrition and Effects on Rehabilitation Chapter 13. Nutrition and Immune Function in Athletes Functions of the Immune System and Its Cellular Components General Mechanism of the Immune Response Causes of Illness in Athletes Effects of Exercise on the Immune System Nutritional Manipulations to Decrease Immunodepression in Athletes Conclusions and Recommendations Chapter 14. Body Composition Optimal Body Weight and Composition Body Composition Models Normal Ranges of Body Weight and Body Fat Body Composition Measurement Techniques Chapter 15. Weight Management Genetics Energy and Macronutrient Intake Regulation of Appetite Effect of Exercise on Appetite Physical Activity and Energy Expenditure Dietary Weight-Loss Methods Exercise for Weight Loss Decreased Resting Metabolic Rate With Weight Loss Weight Cycling Gender Differences in Weight Loss Practicalities of Weight Loss for Athletes Weight Gain Chapter 16. Eating Disorders in Athletes Types of Eating Disorders Prevalence of Eating Disorders in Athletes Effects of Eating Disorders on Sports Performance Effects of Eating Disorders on Health Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders Chapter 17. Personalized Nutrition Genetic Influences Turning Science Into Practice Specific Populations Nutrition Application in Different Sport Situations and Populations Appendix A. Key Concepts in Biological Chemistry Relevant to Sport Nutrition Appendix B. Unit Conversion Tables Appendix C. Recommended Daily Allowances for North America Appendix D. Reference Nutrient Intakes for the United Kingdom Appendix E. Recommended Dietary Intakes for Australia and New Zealand


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