Creative Activities for Teaching Pupils with English as an Additional Language is a unique collectionof 150 enjoyable and inspiring games and activities to help support learners of English as an Additional Language (EAL) in the inclusive classroom. This bank of ideas will support you in helping newly arrived pupils settle into their class and school, and are easy to integrate into your planning to support your learners across the curriculum.
Designed with busy teachers in mind, the Classroom Gems series draws together an extensive selection of practical, tried-and-tested, off-the-shelf ideas, games and activities, guaranteed to transform any lesson or classroom in an instant.
Easily navigable, allowing you to choose the right activity quickly and easily, these invaluable resources are guaranteed to save you time and are a must-have tool to plan, prepare and deliver first-rate lessons.
Chapter 1: How to teach pupils with English as an Additional Language
Who is identified as learning English as an Additional Language?
Stages of language acquisition
How do you teach EAL pupils?
The importance of Differentiation (GOTOS)
10 Top Tips
Chapter 2: First Days and Weeks: activities and ideas for when an EAL pupil first arrives in class
Lost in Translation!
Simon helps to Survive the System!
School Systems
Singing Solutions!
Find a name!
Find someone who...
What's my present?
Mirror, mirror
This is the word!
Express yourself!
Who's who?
Chapter 3: Activities and ideas for social and cultural integration
Playground games
'Oranges and Lemons'
'Ring a Ring of Roses'
'Teddy Bear'
'Miss Susie had a baby!'
'The Farmer's in the Dell!
'What's the time, Mr Wolf?'
Stuck in the mud!
Duck, duck, goose!
'Who took the cookie?'
Indoor play games and activities
Snakes and ladders
Matching jigsaw
Language Snap!
Happy Families
Word search
Story tapes
Chapter 4:Activities and ideas for verbal communication
Talk tokens
Expert groups
Remember, remember
Yeah, but...
Listen up!
Any questions?
The teacher's dog
Rainbow groups
Mime the job
Story cloak
Describing definitions
Call My Bluff!
Talk dolls
Corner running
Circle Time
Record my story
Sing to remember!
Chapter 5:Activities and ideas for written communication
The pen is mine!
Words and Pictures
Hunt the Fish
Jigsaw a letter
Writing frames
Sequencing a story
Sentence Starters
The writing is on the wall
Question bombing!
Moving mobiles
Sentence matching
Mix and Match!
Label the classroom
Venn diagram
What's my word?
Letter ladders
Word finder
Discussing drama to help writing
Adjective, noun, verb
Kung Fu punctuation
Chapter 6: Activities and ideas for visual aids and interactive teaching
English - Buzz off!
English - Word wheel
English - Discuss and decide!
Mathematics - Buzz Fizz! Fizz Buzz!
Mathematics - XOXO
Mathematics - Guess my hand!
Science - Classification
Science - Language Lab coat
Science - Make a floating compass
ICT - Crazy Talk!
ICT - Interactive Teaching Programs
History - Let's pretend!
History - Archaeological artefacts
Geography - Gardening Glory
Geography - Where is it from?
PE - Be a bean!
PE - Peer perfect
Art and DT - Making clothes
Art and DT - Drawing blindfolded
Art and DT - Squiggle stories
Music - Walking with Sound
Music - Sing out like a bell!
Religious Education - Filmed Footage
Religious Education - Question Time
Religiuous Education - Loop game!
Appendix - Musical Score and lyrics
o Heads and Shoulders