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Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance (ePub eBook) 2nd edition

eBook by Dolby, Lyn/Campbell, Denise

Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
08 Jan 2025
2nd edition
128 pages
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Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance (ePub eBook)


Everything you need to know about Physical Examination of the NewbornA at a Glance! Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance provides clear and comprehensive guidance for all those involved with both routine neonatal examination and more specific full physical examinations. Throughout the book, readers are encouraged to critically assess their personal and practice standards relating to the examination of the newborn to promote effective and high-quality holistic care of the family unit. The second edition of Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance is revised to reflect current practice and the Newborn Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) standards. New and expanded chapters address bed sharing, chromosomal abnormalities, neonatal adaptation, referral pathways, health promotion, issues encountered in professional practice, and more. This guide: O Presents a thorough account of appropriate physical examination of the newborn O Explores the theoretical and practical issues readers may experience in practice O Integrates colourful images and text to appeal to visual and non-visual learners alike O Includes multiple-choice questions and self-assessment exercises Physical Examination of the Newborn at a Glance, Second Edition, remains a must-have study or revision guide for undergraduate midwifery and nursing students, newly qualified NIPE practitioners in need of a reliable quick-reference guide, and experienced professionals wanting to update their knowledge and understanding.


Preface x Abbreviations xi Part 1 Professional issues 1 Section 1 Professionalism 1 Public health screening and the neonate 2 2 Quality, standards, thresholds and audit 4 3 Documentation 6 4 Professionalism and leadership 8 5 Safeguarding 10 6 Health promotion: information for parents 12 7 Health promotion: additional information for students and practitioners 16 Section 2 Communication skills 8 Communication during the examination 18 9 Communicating concerns to parents 20 Part 2 Neonatal physiology and pathophysiology 23 Section 3 Adaptation 10 Adaptation to neonatal life: in utero 24 11 Adaptation to neonatal life at birth: further insight 26 12 Thermoregulation, cold stress and hypothermia 28 Section 4 Emergency management 13 Resuscitation of the newborn 30 14 Neonatal hypoglycaemia 34 Section 5 Jaundice 15 Physiological jaundice 36 16 Pathological jaundice 40 Section 6 Disorders 17 Metabolic disorders 42 18 Jitteriness, seizures and hypotonia 44 19 Congenital infection and neonatal sepsis 46 20 Anaemia and polycythaemia 48 21 Genetics and inheritance 50 22 Syndromes and signs 52 Section 7 Birth complications 23 Intrapartum trauma and injury 54 Part 3 Allied assessments 57 Section 8 Routine care 24 Initial examination at birth: overview 58 25 Daily examination of the newborn: overview 60 26 Newborn blood spot screening 62 27 Hearing screening 64 Part 4 Prior to the physical examination 67 Section 9 Examiner self awareness 28 Preparing to examine 68 29 Infection control 70 Section 10 History awareness 30 Relevant history and risk factors 72 31 Feeding 74 32 Excretion 76 Part 5 Top- to- toe physical examination 79 Section 11 Broad assessment 33 Newborn and infant physical examination: overview 80 34 Neurological assessment: overview 82 35 Reflexes 84 36 Common skin conditions 86 37 Atypical skin conditions 88 Section 12 Head and neck 38 Head 90 39 Facies 92 40 Eyes 94 41 Mouth 98 42 Neck and clavicles 100 Section 13 Upper body 43 Chest 102 44 Cardiovascular assessment 104 45 Respiratory assessment and hypoxia 106 46 Upper limbs and hands 108 47 Abdomen 110 48 Back, spine, buttocks and anus 112 Section 14 Pelvis and lower body 49 Developmental dysplasia of the hips 114 50 Genitalia: female 118 51 Genitalia: male 120 52 Lower limbs and feet 122 Part 6 Revision and self- assessment 125 Section 15 Revision activities: crosswords and multiple-choice questions 53 Self-test crosswords 126 54 Self-test multiple-choice questions 128 55 Self-test crosswords and multiple-choice questions: answers 129 Section 16 Self-assessment: professional reflection 56 Professional reflection: knowledge and insight 130 References 131 Index 135

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