Learn to make sound business decisions on a rapidly changing planet
In The Climate Intelligent Organization, renowned entrepreneurs and climate intelligence pioneers Iggy Bassi and Karan Chopra, deliver an intuitive and practical guide to the transformative power of AI-driven Unified Climate Intelligence (UCI). Written with the business practitioner in mind, the book showcases how holistic climate analysis can be integrated into decisions, growth plans, and investments as organizations navigate the challenges and opportunities of climate change.
You'll discover:
How UCI can redefine competitive advantage and reshape leadership.
Strategies to improve climate-related financial performance.
A roadmap for driving resilient value creation in the new climate economy.
Perfect for managers, executives, directors, policy makers, entrepreneurs, founders, and other business leaders, The Climate Intelligent Organization will also prove invaluable to finance and sustainability professionals seeking new insights into how to adapt to a changing planet.
Preface and Introduction xii
Part I The Imperatives of Climate 1
Chapter 1 The Great Accumulation Problem 3
Chapter 2 The Science of Climate Change 13
Chapter 3 Climate Risk and Opportunity 27
Chapter 4 A Deep Dive Into Risk Types 39
Chapter 4 A Physical Risk 41
Chapter 4 B Transition Risk 51
chapter 4 C Nature Risk 61
Chapter 5 The Policy Response to Climate Change 75
Chapter 6 The Climate Intelligence Revolution 91
Part II Building a Climate Intelligent Organization 105
Chapter 7 The Emerging Opportunity of Unified Climate Intelligence (UCI) 107
Chapter 8 UCI - The New Superpower for Organizations 117
Chapter 9 UCI for Competitive and Collaborative Advantage 133
Chapter 10 UCI for Transformative Leadership 155
Chapter 11 Catalyzing UCI Through Financial Services 173
Chapter 12 UCI as a Catalyst for Broader Societal Change 189
Acknowledgments 203
About the Authors 205
Index 207