Covering the major social and political events of British history from the late Victorian era through to the present day, the 6th edition of this landmark textbook helps students critically examine the relationship between the British state and its citizens. With accessible and engaging prose, the book guides students through a mix of chronological and thematic coverage connecting key political, economic and social changes, helping them examine the main themes and trends in British political history.Newly featuring definitions of key terms, and with 20 additional illustrations, the 6th edition has also been updated to cover events since the 2015 general election, including:- The 2017 and 2019 general elections- The Brexit vote and negotiations- The COVID-19 pandemic- The resignation of David Cameron, the fall of Theresa May, and the rise of Boris Johnson- The rise of cultural politics, including feminism, Black Lives Matter, the centralisation of government and identity politicsThis book is essential for anyone looking to for an introduction to modern British social and political history.
List of Illustrations List of Tables and Figures Preface Part I: The Loss of Confidence, 1870-1902 1. The Retreat of the Industrial Revolution The beginnings of decline? Britain and free trade The banks and the question of investment The problem of entrepreneurship Industrialization in perspective 2. Not Quite a Democracy The system of government Gladstone and Victorian Liberalism The impact of parliamentary reform The Conservative revival under Disraeli and Salisbury Socialism and the rise of the Labour Movement 3. The Victorian State and its People The rising standard of living The persistence of mass poverty Popular attitudes towards the state and self-help The growth of local government Ideas and experiments in social welfare 4. Victorian Values: Myth and Reality The expansion of the state The angel in the house Marriage and the family Population and sex First-wave feminism Victorian indulgences Work, leisure and improvement 5. British National Identity: Unity and Division The Union with Scotland The integration of Wales with Britain Ireland: the threat to the Union Religion and national identity Migration and immigration Monarchy and national identity The Victorian class struggle 6. Isolation and Expansion The defence of the realm The new imperialism Was the Empire popular? British militarism Part II: The Reorientation: The Emergence of the Interventionist State, 1902-18 7. The State, Social Welfare and the Economy Liberal social reform Popular attitudes to state welfare The taxation revolution The state and the economy 8. The Liberal-Labour Alliance The politics of the People's Budget The Conservative dilemma Labour's turning-point 9. Crisis and Controversy in Edwardian Britain Class struggle and class collaboration The challenge of feminism The Irish Question Plans for war An ungovernable society? 10. Politics and Society in the Great War The Continental commitment State intervention in the economy Coalition politics Social reconstruction The Lost Generation Mass war and popular participation Part III: The Period of Confusion: Collectivism versus Capitalism, 1918-40 11. The Failure of Laissez-faire The legacy of war The return to gold Unemployment Capitalism, Socialism and Keynesianism Economic recovery in the 1930s 12. Mass Democracy in an Age of Decline National identity between the wars Structural changes in politics The first Labour government The General Strike and the 1929 election The National Governments The Labour revival, 1935-9 Why was Britain so stable? The challenge of British fascism 13. The Era of Domesticity The rising standard of living The housing revolution Leisure and consumerism Women, family and marriage Social welfare and income distribution 14. Imperial Climax and Decline Defence and disarmament Popular opposition to war The Empire and nationalism Appeasement and rearmament Part IV: Consensus: The Age of the Benign State, 1940-70 15. The People's War Breaking the mould Mass war and social change The origins of the post-war consensus The collapse of British power 1945: the Labour landslide 16. The Keynesian Era Planning and the mixed economy The welfare state The politics of consensus The affluent society Adjusting to decline Challenges to the political system 17. The Permissive Society Liberal reform The family and marriage Limited emancipation for women The rise of an educated society The reaction Race and immigration 18. The Loss of Great Power Status Cold War defence Decolonization Reluctantly into Europe Part V The Era of Reaction and Decline, 1970-2020 19. The Breakdown of the Post-war Consensus, 1970-9 Heath and the crisis of Conservatism Multi-party politics The decline of Labour The origins of Thatcherism 20. The Era of Thatcherism Monetarism and depression Delusions of grandeur Breaking the mould of politics The growth of poverty and inequality Rolling back the state Presidential government and the limited revolution The crisis over Europe 21. New Labour and the Blair Era Continuity or change? Social and political reform The British presidency Changes in the political system The Iraq War and the attack on civil liberties The crisis of national identity 22. Crisis and Coalition The banking crisis and economic recession, 2007-15 The coalition era The growth of poverty and inequality National disunity 23 Brexit and the Pandemic Theresa May's Government Why Did the Public Change Its Mind about Brexit? The Impact of Brexit The Premiership of Boris Johnson Why Did Britain Fail to Manage the Pandemic ? What Was the Impact of the Pandemic ? 2021: The Dual Crisis Index
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