Anaessential companionaforabiologyastudents throughoutayouraentire degree programme, this seventh edition ofaPractical Skills in Biology,ahas been updatedaand expandedato provideayou withaa complete and easy-to-read guide.aIt's an all-in-one solution foratheakey practical skills neededaforabiologyaand all biosciences,aincluding:acomprehensive coverage of study and examination skills; fundamental laboratory and fieldamethods; investigative and analytical techniques and analysis and presentation of data.aa Thisanew edition comes withaincreasedacoverage on laboratoryaskills,anew chapters on working with bacteria, eukaryoticamicrobesaand viruses, and on assaying biomolecules,aas well asanew sections on online learning in a post-COVID world.aIn addition,a300 new and updated illustrations, tables, and tipsaOaincluding 25 new Nhow to' boxesaOahave been added, along with numerous end-of-chapter study exercisesa(with answersaprovidedaon the companion website)ato support self-evaluation.aa OAacomprehensive and useful text on the practical techniques used in the biological sciences.Oa O Dr Zenobia Lewis, University of Liverpool
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