Develop a clear understanding of the concepts and best practices in public relations Exploring Public Relations and Management Communication, 5th Edition by Tench and Waddington is the definitive text on public relations. Blending theory with real-life applications. this book offers critical analysis with updated case studies, exercises and discussion questions that provide you with a holistic subject understanding. It also engages you with the thought processes behind some of the latest PR campaigns. This fundamental yet very practical text recognises the strategic importance of public relations to organisations, growing conversation about professionalism in practice and professional ethics. A comprehensive coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic helps you understand the implications of this global crisis on public relations and strategic communication. The full text downloaded to your computer a With eBooks you can: O search for key concepts, words and phrases O make highlights and notes as you study O share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit TheaeBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access youradigitalaebookaproducts whilst you have youraBookshelf installed.
About the authors Foreword Preface Publisher's acknowledgements Part 1 The context of public relations 1. Public relations origins: definitions and history 2. Public relations and the media 3. Digital and social media 4. Public relations and democracy 5. Community and society: corporate social responsibility (CSR) 6. Intercultural and multicultural context of public relations 7. Role of the public relations practitioner Part 2 Public relations theories and concepts 8. Public relations theories: an overview 9. Strategic public relations planning and management 10. Public relations programme research and evaluation 11. Corporate image, reputation and identity 12. Public relations, propaganda and the psychology of persuasion 13. Public relations' professionalism and ethics Part 3 Public relations specialisms 14. Media relations 15. Internal communication 16. Managing community involvement programmes 17. Issues management 18. Crisis public relations management 19. Public relations and the consumer 20. Business-to-business public relations 21. Public affairs 22. Public relations in the world of finance 23. Integrated marketing communications 24. Sponsorship Part 4 Sectoral considerations 25. Non-government organisations and pressure groups 26. Corporate communication 27. Celebrity public relations 28. Strategic communication and social marketing in healthcare organisations 29. What next? Future issues for public relations Glossary Index
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