Foraundergraduate andaMBAacourses in Accounting and Finance. a Gain a complete grounding in Accounting and Finance andadevelop skills to work with financial information Accounting and Finance: An Introduction 10th Edition by Eddie McLaney and Peter Atrill contains all the informationaon Accounting and Finance you need to startayour career in business.aWith an emphasis on introducing topics in a step-by-step and accessible way,ayou will be taught howato understand and useafinancialainformation and reports, andawill gain an appreciation of the key rolesathat both accounting and finance have to play in business decision-making.aThis bestselling text continues to be popular in universities and business schools, and makes the experience of learning about accounting and finance relevant and practicalathrough its use of realanumerical accounting techniques, the inclusion of important international financial standards, an increased number ofaactivities to encouragealearning in an active way,aandathrough a range ofarelevant, real-world examples, many of which are new to this edition.aCovering financial accounting, management accounting and financial management in a single text, this book is focused on providing you with the tools you need to make informed, successful business decisions. a a Also available with MyLab Accounting MyLabU is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab personalizes the learning experience and improves results for each student. MyLab Accountingafor this textbook includes over 1700 questions, now including a larger number ofaalgorithmic questions (more than 300) thatarequire different numericalaresponses from different students. Learn more about MyLab Accounting. a Note:aMyLab Accounting is not included. Students, if MyLab Accounting is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN and course ID. MyLab Accounting should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.a a a Pearson, the worldOs learning company.
Preface How to use this book Acknowledgements Part I Financial accounting 1. Introduction to accounting and finance 2. Measuring and reporting financial position 3. Measuring and reporting financial performance 4. Accounting for limited companies (1) 5. Accounting for limited companies (2) 6. Measuring and reporting cash flows 7. Analysing and interpreting financial statements Part II Management accounting 8. Making management decisions 9. Cost-volume-profit analysis 10. Full costing 11. Costing and performance evaluation in a competitiveenvironment 12. Budgeting 13. Accounting for control Part III Financial management 14. Making capital investment decisions 15. Financing a business 16. Managing working capital Part IV Supplementary information Appendix A Recording financial transactions Appendix B Glossary of key terms Appendix C Solutions to self-assessment questions Appendix D Solutions to critical review questions Appendix E Solutions to selected exercises Appendix F Present value table Index
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