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Law Express: Evidence (PDF eBook) 5th edition

eBook by Taylor, Chris

Law Express: Evidence (PDF eBook)


Publication Date:
05 Jul 2018
5th edition
280 pages
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Law Express: Evidence (PDF eBook)


Law Express: Evidence


Contents Acknowledgements vii Introduction viii Guided tour x Table of cases and statutes xii Chapter 1: Evidential issues within the trial process 1 Chapter 2: Witnesses 29 Chapter 3: Character evidence 59 Chapter 4: Hearsay 87 Chapter 5: Opinion and expert evidence 115 Chapter 6: Confession evidence 133 Chapter 7: Hazardous evidence 159 Chapter 8: Illegally and improperly obtained evidence 177 Chapter 9: Privilege, disclosure and public interest immunity 197 And finally, before the exam . . . 227 Glossary of terms 249 Index 251

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