This collection of engaging and simple to use activities will jumpstart students' understanding of science by taking teaching and learning outdoors and linking it to a specific area of the curriculum.
A wealth of practical activities in the book cover all areas from identifying, classifying and grouping to pattern seeking, making observations and comparative and fair testing.
This cross-curricular approach encourages teachers to develop useful links with other subjects which support and complement the science. With links to a range of online resources and over 30 motivating and engaging science activities, cross-curricular links cover the following areas of the curriculum:
Maths, English, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Art, P.E and Design and Technology.
Jumpstart! Science Outdoors is an essential classroom resource that will encourage the personal development of children and is the perfect solution for helping teachers, teaching assistants and students deliver effective and imaginative science lessons.
1. Adopt a Tree - Saying 'hello' to your tree 2. Adopt a Tree - Exploring leaves 3. Adopt a Tree - How much can you find about the tree bark? 4.Mini Collections 5. Nature's Viewing Frame 6. Amazing Seed Dispersal 7. Modelling Seeds 8. Prickly Holly 9. Alphabet Garden 10. Caterpillar Camouflage 11. Birdsong 12. Feed the Birds 13. Popcorn Feeders 14. Nest Architects 15. It's Dinnertime! 16. Observing Change Outdoors 17. Natural Weaving 18. Outdoor Skeletons 19. Excavating Bones 20 Dinosaur Dimensions 21. Toilet Roll Paper Timeline 22. Fossil Hunters 23. Invertebrate Micro-Safari Hunt 24. Comparing Micro-Habitats 25. Invertebrate Adaptations - Snails 26. Plant Frames - Quadrats 27. Lie Down and Listen 28. Run-around Sound 29. Shadow Faces 30. Playground Constellations 31. Windy Places 32. Water Cycle 33. Message Magnets 34. Forces Flingers 35. Kites Fly High 36. Land Yachts Ahoy! 37. Skateboarding Scientists 38. Splashdown! 39. Waterproof Roof 40. Bubble - ology 41. Magic Potion Snowballs 42. Awesome Snowflakes 43. Texture Trail 44. Peek - a - Boo Toys