This book contains a wealth of ideas for teachers to deliver engaging and informative assemblies in primary schools. The book gives a structure for any assembly that can be easily followed with minimum preparation and provides plenty of opportunities for children to learn interactively and reflect on the theme introduced.
With all the essential information on over 40 topics and complementary resources, including the author's own poetry, Jumpstart! Assemblies covers a variety of subjects, such as:
personal relationships and values, including friendship, bullying, tolerance, and greed;
health and wellbeing, including exercise, food, safety at home and online, and mental health;
global issues, including conservation, the environment, world hunger, and peace;
festivals and celebrations, including Diwali, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Chinese New Year, and Christmas.
This book will be an invaluable aid for any teacher who wants to jumpstart the school day with a dynamic and effective assembly.
Introduction Section 1. Personal Relationships and Values Bullying Friends and Friendships Greed Heroes Honesty Litter Manners Perseverance Right and Wrong Rights and Responsibilities Rules Saying Sorry Tolerance Section 2. Health and Wellbeing Anger Eating healthily Exercise Happiness Sadness Safety on the Internet Safety at home Safety in the Street Safety on the Road Section 3. Global Issues Endangered Species World Conservation Day World Forest Day World Homeless Day World Hunger Day World Oceans Day World Peace Day World Water Day Section 4. Festivals and Celebrations Bonfire Night World Book Day Chinese New Year Christmas Divali Eid-Al-Fitr Eid-Al-Adha Guru Nanak's Birthday Hannukah Harvest Festival National Pets Day National Poetry Day Remembrance Day St Andrew's Day St David's Day St George's Day St Patrick's Day