Publication Date:
02 Apr 2024
Elsevier Health Sciences
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Originally edited by Gregory Grieve, a founder of modern manual therapy, the fifth edition of Grieve's Modern Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy continues to offer contemporary evidence, models of diagnosis and practice that make this one of the most highly respected reference books for physiotherapists. This edition has been fully updated to provide an overview of the latest science in a rapidly evolving field. It includes detailed directions for research-informed patient care for a range of musculoskeletal disorders, as well as up-to-date information on the global burden, research methodologies, measurements, and principles of assessment and management. A new international editorial board, with experience in both research and clinical practice, bring a truly comprehensive perspective to this book, meaning those practising musculoskeletal physiotherapy today will find it highly clinically relevant to their work.- Edited by an internationally recognised editorial board O brings expertise in both research and clinical practice- Fully updated with the latest published evidence- Clear guidance on evidence-based contemporary practice- Management of conditions relating to both the vertebral column and peripheral joints- Updated reviews on the science and practice of a wide range of treatment modalities- Principles of effective communication, screening, clinical reasoning, lifestyle considerations, behavioural change and self-management- Summary boxes and clinical tips to support clinical assessment and management- More than 300 figures and illustrations- Global burden of musculoskeletal disorders O including history, epidemiology and new models of care- A range of new research methodologies, including N of 1 research designs, systematic reviews and meta-analyses, population-based cohort studies, consensus research and response analyses in musculoskeletal research- How to navigate the endless wave of information and assess different levels of evidence- New measures- New chapter on cost analyses and value-based care- Digital rehabilitation methods
PART I Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the Text,
Deborah Falla, Chad E. Cook, Jeremy Lewis, Chris McCarthy, and
Michele Sterling
PART II Global Burden of Musculoskeletal
2.1 Historic Management Perspectives,
Valeria Coolman and Erl Pettman
2.2 Epidemiologic Measures of Musculoskeletal
Jennifer C. Reneker and Chad E. Cook
2.3 An Overview of Contributors to Pain and Disability,
Yannick Tousignant-Laflamme, Florian Naye, and Christian Longtin
2.4 Biological Contributors to Musculoskeletal Pain and
Scott F. Farrell, Rutger M.J. deZoete, David Klyne, Annina B. Schmid,
Andrea Polli, Jo Nijs, and Michele Sterling
2.5 Psychological Contributors to Musculoskeletal Pain,
Alejandro Luque-Suarez, Marcelino Torrontegui-Duarte, and
Deborah Falla
2.6 Social Contributors to Pain and Disability,
Zachary D. Rethorn
2.7 Musculoskeletal Models of Care,
Helen Slater and Andrew M. Briggs
PART III Research Design and Navigating the
Endless Wave of Information
3.1 What Is Information, and Where Are People Getting It
Clare Ardern
3.2 Information Credibility: Navigating the Endless Wave of
Guy Simoneau and Chad Cook
3.3 Levels of Evidence,
Derek J. Clewley and Bethany Buzzell
SECTION 3.4 Research Designs
3.4.1 Quantitative Research,
Steven J Kamper and Tie Parma Yamato
3.4.2 Introduction To Qualitative Design,
Gillian Yeowell and Sandra Elaine Hartley
3.4.3 Mixed Methods Research,
Hubert van Griensven
3.4.4 Living Evidence: Is the Randomised Controlled Trial the
Missing Link?,
Anita R. Gross, Charlie H. Goldsmith, Pasqualina Santaguida,
Pulak Parikh, and Pavlos Bobos
3.4.5 N-of-1 Research Designs,
Jane Nikles, Andrea Hams, Michele Sterling, and Kerrie Evans
3.4.6 Standardized Data Collection, Audit, and Clinical
Ann Patricia Moore, Elizabeth Bryant, Shemane Murtagh, and
George Olivier
3.4.7 Systematic Reviews: Informing Evidence-Based
Mike Reiman and Garrett Scott Bullock
3.4.8 Why Are Population-Based Cohorts Important in
Progressing Our Understanding of Musculoskeletal
Pain Conditions?
Rob Waller and Helen Slater
3.4.9 Implementation Research,
Katherine S. Norman and Heather A. King
3.4.10 Consensus Research,
Chad E. Cook
3.4.11 Responder Analyses in Musculoskeletal Research,
Chad E. Cook, Geronimo Bejarano, Jennifer C. Reneker, and
Andrew D. Vigotsky
PART IV Measurements in Musculoskeletal
4.1 Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Musculoskeletal
Alessandro Chiarotto and Leonardo Pellicciari
4.2 Patient-Reported Experience Measures,
Alessandra Narciso Garcia and Malene Ahern
4.3 Physical Performance Measures,
Rob Manske and Jason Brumitt
4.4 Assessing Cost Analyses and Value-Based Care in
Daniel Pinto, Hassan Ghomrawi, and Dustin D. French
SECTION 4.5 Advances in Measurement
4.5.1 Quantitative Sensory Testing and Clinical Sensory
Brigitte Tampin, Annina Schmid, and Helen Slater
4.5.2 Pain in the Brain: The Role and Future of Functional
Flavia DiPietro
4.5.3 Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Rebecca J. Abbott, Jon Cornwall, Rebecca J. Crawford, Enrico
De Martino, James M. Elliott, Graham J. Galloway, Julie Hides,
Mark A. Hoggarth, Katie McMahon, Marnee McKay, Aimee Peek,
Zuzana Perraton, Ashton Reeve, Kyle Sheldrick, Amee L. Seitz, Adam
Semciw, Andrew C. Smith, Melinda M. Franettovich Smith, Danielle
B. Stone, David M. Walton, Ken A. Weber, and Eddo Wesselink
4.5.4 Ultrasound in Musculoskeletal Practice,
Karen McCreesh, Stuart Wildman, and Mark Maybury
4.5.5 Surface Electromyography,
Deborah Falla, Alessio Gallina, and Eduardo Martinez-Valdes
4.5.6 Movement Analysis and Musculoskeletal Modeling,
Marco Barbero, Corrado Cescon, Stefano Vercelli, Deborah Falla,
and Carlo Albino Frigo
4.5.7 Electroencephalography,
Nicola Ray
4.5.8 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation,
Siobhan M. Schabrun, Wei-ju Chang, and Rocco Cavaleri
PART V Principles of Assessment and
5.1 Communication,
Joletta Belton and Jeremy Lewis
5.2 Red Flags,
James Selfe, Susan Greenhalgh, Chris Mercer, and Laura Finucane
SECTION 5.3 Lifestyle and Health
5.3.1 Lifestyle and Musculoskeletal Health: Basis for a
Health and Lifestyle Framework,
Elizabeth Dean and Anne Söderlund
5.3.2 Implementing a Health and Lifestyle Framework:
Competencies for Musculoskeletal Physiotherapists,
Elizabeth Dean and Anne Söderlund
5.4 Clinical Reasoning and Models for Clinical
Neil Langridge
5.5 Consideration of Cognitive and Behavioral Influences
on Physiotherapy Practice, 1
Michele Sterling and Rachel A. Elphinston
5.6 Educational Approaches to Pain Management,
Kieran O'Sullivan, Pete Moore, and Cormac Ryan
5.7 Behavior Change and Self-Management,
Ann Moore and Kevin Hall
5.8 Hemodynamics and Clinical Practice,
Roger Kerry and Alan Taylor
5.9 Neurodynamics,
Michel W Coppieters, Colette Ridehalgh, Robert J Nee, Benjamin
S Boyd, Toby Hall, Richard Ellis, Annalie Basson, Annina B Schmid,
Brigitte Tampin, Karina J Lewis, Eva Sierra-Silvestre, Andrea C
Schroeter, Ricardo J Andrade, Meghan A Koop, Marije LS
Sleijser-Koehorst, Ivo J LutkeSchipholt, and Gwendolyne GM
5.10 Neuromuscular Adaptations to Exercise,
Deborah Falla, Alessio Gallina, Edith Elgueta Cancino, and
Paul Hodges
5.11 The Analgesic Effects of Exercise,
Kathleen A. Sluka, Henrik Bjarke Vaegter, Marie Hoeger Bement,
Giovanni Berardi, and Joseph B. Lesnak
5.12 Management of Sensorimotor Control in
Musculoskeletal Disorders,
Julia Treleaven
5.13 Manual Therapy,
Christopher McCarthy, Joel Bialosky, and Mark Bishop
SECTION 5.14 Adjunct Modalities
5.14.1 Electrophysical Modalities,
Tim Watson
5.14.2 Acupuncture and Its Role in Musculoskeletal Pain
and Rehabilitation,
Panos Barlas
5.15 Digital Rehabilitation Methods,
Trevor G. Russell
5.16 Advanced Practice in Physiotherapy,
Andrews Kwabena Tawiah, Linda Woodhouse, François Des[1]meules, Caitriona Gabrielle Cunningham, and Jere
PART VI Region Specific Management
6.1 Idiopathic Neck Pain,
Gwendolen Anne Jull AO, Shaun O'Leary, Julia Margaret Treleaven,
and Deborah Falla
6.2 Whiplash-Associated Disorders,
Michele Sterling, Trudy Rebbeck, Andrew Leaver, and
Chris Worsfold
6.3 Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain,
Harry von Piekartz, Susan Armijo Olivio, and Cesar Fernández
De Las Peñas
6.4 Thoracic Pain,
Nicola Ruth Heneghan and Deborah Falla
6.5 Low Back Pain Examination and Treatment,
Mark Hancock and Chad E. Cook
6.6 Clinical Reasoning in Sacroiliac Joint and Pelvic
Girdle Pain: A Tunnel Vision of Physiotherapy
Annelies Pool-Goudzwaard, E. van Benten - van Weeghel, and
J.J.M. Pool
6.7 The Shoulder,
Jeremy Lewis
6.8 The Elbow,
Viana Vuvan, Brooke Coombes, Leanne Bisset, and Bill Vicenzino
6.9 Wrist and hand,
Katia Fournier, Sarah Mee, Elaine Juzl, and Nicola Goldsmith
6.10 The Hip,
Kay Crossley, Joanne Kemp, Matthew King, Joshua Heerey, and
Peter Lawrenson
6.11 Knee Conditions,
Kim Bennell, Rana S Hinman, Pek Ling Teo, Kay M Crossley, Danilo
de Oliveira Silva, Sallie M Cowan, Bill Vicenzino, Lee Herrington,
Melanie Holden, and George Peat
6.12 Foot and Ankle,
Michelle Smith and Bill Vicenzino
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