As an early years practitioner, you will educate and care for children with a range of developmental needs and differences. This essential book introduces you to a play-rich approach providing both universal and targeted ideas that will support social and emotional development and ensure that children feel safe, secure, and nurtured.
Using the four broad areas of need as a guide, each accessible chapter positions wellbeing at the heart of an effective approach to inclusion and offers meaningful and responsive teaching practices that create a sense of belonging and acceptance. Founded in the latest research, the book presents key knowledge alongside ideas and activities to support wellbeing, which can be embedded into the child's everyday experiences and adapted to meet their individual needs.
This book offers:
Evidence-based strategies and techniques that have a positive impact on the long-term social and emotional wellbeing of children with SEND.
Guidance through the four broad areas of need, with a focus on play, learning, and developing an emotionally healthy early years environment.
Examples of practice in action.
Case studies, reflective questions, and activities that will upskill the reader and empower them in their role.
Providing up to date, transferrable and essential knowledge on SEND in the early years, this is an essential resource for any practitioner looking to expand their repertoire and enrich the wellbeing of children with SEND.
Chapter 1: Introducing wellbeing & SEND Chapter 2: Educator Wellbeing in SEND support Chapter 3: Social, Emotional and/or Mental Health Chapter 4: Physical and Sensory Needs Chapter 5: Speech, language and communication & Interaction Needs Chapter 6: Cognition and Learning Needs Chapter 7: Empowerment and collaboration with parents Chapter 8: Transition & Wellbeing Concluding remarks and a word on advocacy