As the world population ages and people live longer, nurses and healthcare workers, no matter what area they work in, will encounter older people. This pocket-sized (120x80mm), spiral-bound guide in the popular Nursing & Health Survival Guide series aims to provide you with the basic but fundamental knowledge you will need to care for older people.
All you need to know on:
Core gerontology conditions
Care planning
End of life care
And much more...
1. Introduction 2. Ageism 3. Nursing Assessment for the Physiological Changes Associated with Ageing 4. Nursing Assessment for Elder Abuse 5. Nursing Assessment of Safety 6. Nursing Assessment of Nutritional Status 7. Geriatric Giants 8. Confusional Syndrome 9. Incontinence 10. Gait Disorders 11. Other Clinical Concerns for Older People 12. Pressure Ulcers 13. Medications and Older People 14. Cerebrovascular Accident 15. Approaches to Gerontological Care 16. Care Planning 17. Person Centred Care (PCC) in Nursing Homes 18. Care Planning Tips 19. End of Life Care