This revision guide provides concise coverage of the central topics within Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology, presented within a framework designed to help you focus on assessment and exams.a The text encapsulates all the subject matter listed in the BPS Qualifying Examination syllabus for Conceptual and Historical Issues in Psychology.a The sequence of chapters is organised temporally, and focuses on how the major conceptual issues in psychology have been handled over time.a Further, in each case, the relevance of historical discourses to contemporary psychology is emphasised.a Sample questions, assessment advice and exam tips drive the organisation within chapters so you are able to grasp and marshal your thoughts towards revision of the main topics.a Features focused on critical thinking, practical applications and key research will offer additional pointers for you in your revision process and exam preparation. A companion website provides supporting resources for self testing, exam practice, answers to questions in the book, and links to further resources.
Acknowledgements Introduction Guided tour Guided tour of the companion website Chapter 1 Explaining People: Theoretical Psychology Throughout the Ages Chapter 2 Ways of Knowing: The Scientific Method and Its Alternatives Chapter 3 From Philosophy to Laboratory: The Arrival of Empirical Psychology Chapter 4 The Evolution of Measurement: From Physiognomy to Psychometrics Chapter 5 The Behaviourist Revolution: Actions as Data Chapter 6 The Cognitive Revolution: The Metaphor of Computation Chapter 7 Neuroscience and Genetics: 21st Century Reductionism? Chapter 8 Can Psychology Be Scientific? Chapter 9 Subjectivist Approaches to Psychology Chapter 10 The Problem of Consciousness Chapter 11 Science Since the 20th Century: Postpositivism and Postmodernism Chapter 12 Relativism, Constructivism, and their Implications for Psychology Chapter 13 The Future of Psychology And finally, before the exam Glossary of terms
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