This revision guide provides concise coverage of the central topics within Biological Psychology, presented within a framework designed to help you focus on assessment and exams, and matching the requirements of the BPS.
The text is organised so that the basic principles are outlined first and then expanded upon with a consideration of higher order functions. Revision of the basic principles from the early chapters is revisited in later chapters in the context of higher order psychological functioning. Sample questions, assessment advice and exam tips drive the organisation within chapters so you are able to grasp and marshal your thoughts towards revision of the main topics. Features focused on critical thinking, practical applications and key research will offer additional pointers for you in your revision process/exam preparation.
A companion website provides supporting resources for self testing, exam practice, answers to questions in the book, and links to further resources.
Guided tour
Guided tour of the companion website
Table of cases and statutes
Chapter 1 Introduction to biopsychology: origins, approaches and applications
Chapter 2 Structure and function of the central and peripheral nervous systems
Chapter 3 The endocrine system: hormones and behaviour
Chapter 4 Biological basis of language
Chapter 5 Mechanisms of perception and sensation
Chapter 6 Biological mechanisms of sleep and dreaming
Chapter 7 Biological aspects of emotion
Chapter 8 The biology of learning and memory
Chapter 9 Biological basis of psychological abnormality
And finally, before the exam . . .