Provides an easy-to-follow set of strategies and techniques that build to a plan for achieving your best possible exam performance. It gives practical step-by-step guidance in long-term planning for optimal performance through to last minute revision strategies. This fully updated, two-colour edition includes two brand new chapters.
Where Do I Start?
Getting in 'The Zone' 1: Planning For Peak Performance
Getting in 'The Zone' 2: Frames Of Mind For Peak Performance
Exam Myths and Realities
What Are Examiners Looking For?
Managing Different Types of Exams
Multiple Choice Questions
Revision Strategies
Memory: Remembering What We Want When We Need It
Structured Revision Sessions
Managing Stress
Getting in 'The Zone' 3: Seeing Success
The Exam
Multiple Choice Question Exams (MCQs)
Managing Different Types of Exams
Appendix 1: Alternative Arrangements for Students with Disabilities
Appendix 2: Might I Be Dyslexic?
Appendix 3: Sources of Help
Appendix 4: 5 Point Plan for Peak Performance
Appendix 5: Planning Checklists
Appendix 6: Tracking Developments in an Area of Research