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Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 6th Revised edition

Paperback by Snape, Alison (Reader in Biochemistry and Medical Education, King's College London); Papachristodoulou, Despo (Senior Lecturer and Head of the Teaching Department of Biochemistry, King's College London); Elliott, William H. (Department of Biochemistry, University of Adelaide, Australia); Elliott, Daphne C. (Department of Biochemistry, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia)

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Publication Date:
6 Jul 2018
6th Revised edition / English
Oxford University Press
640 pages
For delivery:
Estimated despatch 24 - 26 Mar 2025
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


Now in its sixth edition, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology provides the perfect balance between detail and conceptual understanding. Maintaining the much-praised clarity of previous editions, this edition incorporates both new techniques and pivotal discoveries in a succinct, easy-to-digest way, using updated figures and diagrams to help explain complex processes. Updated content on the manipulation of DNA and genes reflects the rapid introduction of new methods in contemporary research, and incorporates up-to-date discussions of recent developments such as gene editing. Chapter summaries are logically laid out, forming bulleted lists which provide students with a consolidation of difficult concepts and progressively guide them through the specifics whilst keeping the big picture in mind. Additional 'find out more' sections provide helpful problem-solving support and the further reading is divided into types to cater for broader learning needs. With an integrated approach covering both biochemistry and molecular biology, complemented by frequent diagrams and clear explanations, and all presented in a wider cellular context, this text is the perfect introduction for any student new to the subject. Online Resources: The online resources to accompany this text include: For registered adopters of the book: · Figures from the book available to download For students: · Further reading organised by chapter · An extensive bank of multiple-choice questions to support self-directed learning · Links to 3D molecular structures in Protein Data Bank


Part 1: Basic concepts of life 1: The basic molecular themes of life 2: Cells and viruses 3: Energy considerations in biochemistryPart 2: Structure and function of proteins and membranes 4: The structure of proteins 5: Methods in protein investigation 6: Enzymes 7: The cell membrane and membrane proteins 8: Muscle contraction, the cytoskeleton, and molecular motorsPart 3: Metabolism and nutrition 9: General principles of nutrition 10: Food digestion, absorption and distribution to the tissues 11: The storage fuels: Mechanisms of transport, storage, and mobilization of carbohydrate and fat 12: Principles of energy release from food 13: Glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and the electron transport system 14: Energy release from fat 15: An alternative pathway of glucose oxidation: The pentose phosphate pathway 16: Synthesis of glucose (gluconeogenesis) 17: Synthesis of fat and related compounds 18: Nitrogen metabolism: amino acid metabolism 19: Nitrogen metabolism: nucleotide metabolism 20: Mechanisms of metabolic control and their applications to metabolic integration 21: Raising electrons of water back up the energy scale: photosynthesisPart 4: Information storage and utilization 22: The genome 23: DNA synthesis, repair and recombination 24: Gene transcription 25: Protein synthesis and controlled protein breakdown 26: Control of gene expression 27: Protein sorting and delivery 28: Manipulating DNA and genesPart 5: Cells and tissues 29: Cell signalling 30: The cell cycle, cell division, cell death and cancerPart 6: Protective mechanisms against disease 31: Blood clotting, xenobiotic metabolism, and reactive oxygen species 32: The immune system


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