Foster on EU Law offers an incisive account of the institutions and procedures of the EU alongside focused analysis of core substantive areas. This clear three-part structure provides students with a solid foundation in the mechanisms and applications of EU law, making it an ideal text for those new to the subject or looking for a concise guide to support further study. Digital formats and resources The eighth edition is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats, and is supported by online resources. -The e-book offers a mobile experience and convenient access along with functionality tools, navigation features and links that offer extra learning support: -Online resources include practise questions and answer guidance, a timeline of EU development, downloadable diagrams from the book, and study and exam technique guidance from the author in both written and audio formats.
Part I: Institutional and Procedural Law of the European Union 1: The history and constitutional basis of the European Union 2: The Union institutions 3: The empowerment of the Union: transfer, division, and control of powers 4: EU law: sources, forms, and law-making 5: Supremacy of EU law 6: Ensuring EU laws are effective: remedies and Article 267 TFEU 7: The direct jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice Part II: Introduction to the Substantive Law of the EU 8: The free movement of goods 9: The free movement of persons 10: An introduction to EU competition law and policy Part III: The EU, UK, and Brexit 11: The changing relations of the UK with the EU
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