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Food and Sustainability (ePub eBook)

eBook by Behrens, Paul/Bosker, Thijs/Ehrhardt, David

Food and Sustainability (ePub eBook)


Publication Date:
30 Jan 2020
Oxford University Press
OUP Oxford
416 pages
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Food and Sustainability (ePub eBook)


Food and Sustainability is the first text on this topic to consistently and coherently bring together important concepts from different disciplines to introduce students to a common challenge: food sustainability. The book explores the issues related to our growing demand for food from the perspectives of disciplines ranging from environmental and social sciences, to public health. It examines food as a point of convergence across these disciplines, illustrating the need for a transdisciplinary approach to understand common challenges and opportunities in food systems. The issues discussed are exemplified in several case studies for each chapter, which provide a direct avenue for students to apply the principles and theories set out in each chapter to real-world problems. In addition, 'Food controversy' panels highlight how there is very often no one right answer to the problems being faced, and how different viewpoints and perspectives need to be weighed up alongside each other to come to workable resolutions.Online resources:Food sustainability is augmented by a range of online resources, which include:For students: Hyperlinks to extended research readings Practice quizzes to support independent study Answers to in-text questions. For instructors: Downloadable (PowerPoint) figures from the book Answer sheets to the end of chapter questions Suggested exam questions.


1: Introduction: can we feed the world sustainably? PART I: Food and environment 2: Biodiversity: what are the impacts of food production on biodiversity? 3: Pollution: how are food systems related to environmental pollution? 4: Water: how does agriculture impact freshwater resources? 5: Soils: what are the impacts of agriculture on soils? 6: Climate change: how will food systems and the climate interact? 7: Energy: what is the role of energy in food production, and how must it change? Part II: Food and society 8: Nutrition: how are diets linked to environmental impacts? 9: Food security: what are the challenges in providing everyone accessible, affordable, and healthy food? 10: Food aid: how can food aid effectively reduce food insecurity? 11: Consumption: how can we promote sustainable food consumption? Part III: Food systems and governance 12: Food systems: how are food systems organised in a globalised economy? 13: Governance: how can food systems be governed to promote sustainability? 14: Collective action: how do collective action problems hinder the transition to sustainable food systems? 15: Summary: a view toward the future

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